© 2018 Baxel Data .tems

news II

64 bit versions:

Both Premium and Lighting now have downloads of both 32 and 64 bit versions!

What’s new in Premium:

A right-click on the clock turns it into a running timer. No need for a stop watch to record performance running time. A cue can be assigned as a cross fade from any other playing cue. No need anymore for a middle fade cue to do the fade-out. A small CPU usage monitor indicator in the lower right corner. Warns when the CPU nears 80% useage and possible stuttering. The old power control by Phidget devices is removed and in its place is DMX control. A cue can be triggered by time of day.

What’s new in Lighting:

Menu option to click to lock out any cue level changes. Just to avoid accidental changes during a performance. Remote control! A menu option to start a server that any device with a web browser can reach to run cues and set channel levels. Do you have news about Cue Player you’d like to share? Send an email to us at support@baxeldata.com with a description and maybe a picture(!), and we’ll see about getting it on this page.
Control from the catwalk! Cue Player Lighting can be run from any portable device with a browser. Phone, tablet, laptop, it doesn’t matter. Open a browser, navigate to the IP address of the Lighting computer on port 8008, and you can run cues or set individual channel levels. Read what the channel is now and bump it up/down and save.
Send some DMX! Cue Player Premium can send a DMX signal just like Lighting. It’s meant to be used for switching devices on/off in conjunction with a sound, but you may think of other uses.
© 2015 Baxel Data Systems

news II

64 bit versions:

Both Premium and Lighting now have downloads of both 32 and 64 bit versions!

What’s new in Premium:

A right-click on the clock turns it into a running timer. No need for a stop watch to record performance running time. A cue can be assigned as a cross fade from any other playing cue. No need anymore for a middle fade cue to do the fade-out. A small CPU usage monitor indicator in the lower right corner. Warns when the CPU nears 80% useage and possible stuttering. The old power control by Phidget devices is removed and in its place is DMX control. A cue can be triggered by time of day.

What’s new in Lighting:

Menu option to click to lock out any cue level changes. Just to avoid accidental changes during a performance. Remote control! A menu option to start a server that any device with a web browser can reach to run cues and set channel levels. Do you have news about Cue Player you’d like to share? Send an email to us at support@baxeldata.com with a description and maybe a picture(!), and we’ll see about getting it on this page.
Control from the catwalk! Cue Player Lighting can be run from any portable device with a browser. Phone, tablet, laptop, it doesn’t matter. Open a browser, navigate to the IP address of the Lighting computer on port 8008, and you can run cues or set individual channel levels. Read what the channel is now and bump it up/down and save.
Send some DMX! Cue Player Premium can send a DMX signal just like Lighting. It’s meant to be used for switching devices on/off in conjunction with a sound, but you may think of other uses.